Why everyone should attend menopause education sessions

Educate Everyone

From the top of the company to the bottom of the company, men and women of all ages should be encouraged to attend menopause education sessions within the workplace.

I would love for everyone within the workplace to be comfortable talking about menopause and have a basic understanding of the symptoms and how it can affect women at work. The more it’s talked about the less it is seen as a taboo subject. A workforce that is menopause aware will create an environment where women feel supported as they go through what can be for some a challenging stage in their life.

Although only women go through menopause it can also have an impact on men. All men will know someone going through menopause whether it be a partner, friend, relative, or colleague. They may want to increase their knowledge of what happens to women when they are going through perimenopause/menopause and with this increased understanding they are better placed to provide support.

No women knows the age they will become perimenopausal and for many they may not recognise that the symptoms they are experiencing are due to perimenopause. By educating women of all ages they will know what symptoms to lookout for and what help is available to them.


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